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Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Ok, so totally not prepared today and still wound up from the weekend!  I was blessed with a gift from my wonderful daughter that allowed me to go to Heinz Field in Pittsburgh PA and watch the Steelers beat the Browns in their season opener!  Heaven!  :D!  LOL!

All that being said I am only here to let you know I haven't forgotten about you wonderful albeit crazy friends. :D.

I'm hoping that maybe there is someone out there reading this that has a recipe that they think sounds amazing yet just hasn't quite been able to bring themselves to try it out!  That's where I come in!  I'm hoping you will share your recipes with us and allow us to try them or better yet try them for you and let you know if they are worth the effort or not!!!!!

I know, sounds totally crazy!  Insane even!  But I'm okay with that, I will just have Spicy tighten up my jacket and we will jump right in!!  I really hope somebody out there will take this challenge!

Hope you have an awesome Tuesday and an even better week! :D!!!!  Look forward to hearing from you!

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