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Tuesday, September 9, 2014


So for those of you that know me, will think this blog is strange for me to be writing. But when I am hit upside the head by my muse I do what she's told me! She can be a pain in the arse, but she's led me to some great places!
For those that don't know this Spicy German - I HATE EGGS!
Over the Labor Day weekend my brother in law made breakfast which of course included eggs. Not wanting to be rude I took two (because he wouldn't let me leave with one;). They weren't bad, I ate them without complaint.
Then we had Saucy's in laws here and they made me eggs and later I had an  egg for lunch on a breakfast blt. I enjoyed both. So what has been my problem?
Well this had me thinking...each time I ate the eggs I had something else with them-toast, pancakes,  bacon. Was that the key? I'm still not sure so I found this handy chart and I will be trying eggs in different ways in hopes to find the one I like and stop egg-hating.
How do you like your eggs? I prefer them in baked goods, like cookies and cakes, but what do I know?

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