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Friday, September 5, 2014

Road Trip!

So, ok!  My uneventful, mom absorbed life has suddenly been turned upside down!   And I couldn't be happier!  LOL!  This crazy lady is going to a professional football game.  Leaving just a couple of hours after I get this blog out to you all! :D.  OMG  So excited!

Alright, enough.  Better calm it down or Spicy will come around and tighten up the jacket. Um, no thanx!  Food!  Ok, today I have chosen another one of the awesome squashes lol.  This time it is the butternut squash!  This is another new Paleo recipe from the also new Paleo Primer book I referred to before.  Seems to be a great book.  Authors are Keris Marsden and Matt Whitmore.  I super hope you enjoy this because everyone here at the Asylum found it most pleasing!

Cinnamon Coconut Squash

Half a butternut squash
4 ounces coconut milk
1 garlic clove, finely chopped
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
Salt and Pepper to taste

Prep time:  5 minutes
Cooking time:  35-40 minutes
Serves:  2 (Served mom, dad and I) :D

1.  Preheat the oven to 350°.

2.  Chop the butternut squash into cubes and place in a small baking dish.

3.  Pour coconut milk over the squash, sprinkle with garlic and cinnamon and stir to coat.

4.  Bake for 35-40 minutes.

5.  Just before serving, season with a little salt and pepper.

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