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Friday, September 5, 2014

My own world...

I am sitting here listening to my Amazon music and I found movie sound tracks!! Raiders of the Lost Ark and my favorite 007!!  Bond, James Bond. Sean Connery, Harrison Ford, and Mel Gibson, Carey Grant, Tony Curtis, Audrey Hepburn are just a few of my favorites! I love being in my world (it's leaving it that I have trouble with)

 I am once again throwing an application in for a job today. So we will see what happens there (wish me luck). We also have the Saucy Irish's in-law's Winnebago parked in our yard and are enjoying our visit with them! OH, there is the Star Wars theme song!!! Awesome!! Ok so I am a nerd, moving on people nothing to see here! 

So I was thinking if I am able to find a job even a part time job that will limit my cooking abilities and I will need to plan ahead if I want to keep making healthy(ish) meals. One go to quick meal came to mind and I don't know if it has a name so I made one up. I saw it at a Pampered Chef demonstration 10+ years ago.

Pizza Loaf (It may have been something cooler like French Bread Pizza)

1 loaf French bread
spaghetti or pizza sauce
favorite pizza toppings
-If trying to make due with items in the fridge/freezer brown up some burger and throw in some veggies!
pizza cheese (or whatever is in the fridge)

Cut the loaf in half length wise (you can leave it whole, but this will make it stretch farther). Scoop the middle of each side of the loaf out and sprinkle in some cheese and sauce. Add your toppings, a little more sauce and top with cheese. Bake in the oven according to the French loaf heating instructions. I believe we do it at 400 degrees for about 15 minutes.

Superman theme song, oh wait it changed to The Shining, great gotta find another one to end on, hold not ending my blog on that note! Lord of the Rings! 

Ok Crazies, come back tomorrow to see my Bestie and I will see you all on Monday! Leave your white Jackets tomorrow and we will get them back to you on Monday. Enjoy your freedom!

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