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Friday, September 19, 2014

Pumpkin Butter

So things are actually going pretty sane at my Asylum!  Which has me scared to death!  When things go this well for this long, something has to give.  My hubs accuses me of always looking for the bad so of course I am going to find it!

I also realized we haven't been sharing much of the crazy because the crazy is keeping us busy!  My kiddos are back to school, hubs is back to his regular work schedule (which is crazy in itself) and I am holding down the fort (or Asylum in this case).  One of the things that drives me the craziest is meal planning and having a decent healthy meal on the table for my family.  That is why we created this blog!  Saucy and I both love to cook/bake and wanted to expand our horizons and maybe share some great food with great friends along the way.

We found out yesterday we have readers in other countries as well (I am sure we look certifiable to you) thanks for joining us on this crazy adventure!

Today, I figured you would need something to put on Saucy's Pumpkin muffins!  So I thought I would share a quick and easy pumpkin butter recipe.  The recipe says it is good to freeze as well!  I have never tried it as it doesn't make it that long for me!  I also double this recipe to share with a neighbor!

Slow Cooker "Spicy" Pumpkin Butter
  • 1 (15 oz.) can pure canned pumpkin (not pumpkin pie filling) OR
  • 15 oz. freshly baked and pureed pumpkin
  • 1/3 cup 100% apple juice (no sugar added) (this is optional as I have made it without and it was great, just replace with water)
  • 1/4 cup honey
  • 1/4 cup maple syrup (I used pancake syrup)
  • 1 1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon
  • 1 tsp. ground ginger
  • 1/4 tsp. ground cloves
  • 1/4 tsp ground nutmeg
Stir all ingredients together in a 1 or 1 1/2 quart slow cooker and cook until it thickens (about 5-6 hours) on low.

While hot, it will still be runny, even after thickening. Place in a heat-safe container and chill overnight in the fridge.

More honey can be added for sweetness if desired.

NOTE: This is a "spicy" pumpkin butter. If you like a milder version, simply cut the ginger, cloves and nutmeg in half. (you can always add them back in later)

Storage: Keep in fridge for up to 2 or 3 weeks. Freezes well.
What is great about this recipe is you get that homemade taste of canned pumpkin butter without having to can it!

Pssst....Want to know how I get the labels off of the jars?  Head over to my other blog and find out!  I don't think Saucy will mind since I share this blog over there too!

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