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Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Time for pumpkin

Hello all!  Happy Thursday.  So you know life is just crazy, yeah well I keep waiting for it not to be.  Long wait ahead of me huh?  Mom is changing the types of foods she likes, you know the stuff she loved she no longer eats.  Hard to keep up with so I'm trying new things.  Like I told you before also, the softer the better.  I stumbled across the recipe on facebook today and thought no way lol.  Could it really be that easy?  And let me tell you emphatically yes, it can be that easy!  LOL.  The recipe came from and a lady by the name of Gail Blaney!  Hats off to her, because they sure have worked great with my momma!  Kids especially I think will really enjoy them.  Another excellent point of fact is that they are simple and can be taken to many other levels.  Depending on just what kind of mood you are in.  I personally didn't want a lot of extra ingredients (hard for the momma) so I went straight up!  Mom is anxious to have another for breakfast in the morning!  :)

Pumpkin Muffins

Only 2 ingredients! A boxed yellow cake mix and a 15oz can of pure pumpkin.

Just the cake mix and the pumpkin!

No oil, no eggs, no water, no nothing!

Bake at 350° for 20-25 minutes (mine were perfect on 20 minutes, mom has a gas stove and it runs hot!) 

I made a change here (due to some comments I read and happily took their advice) and used the Spice cake for more flavor than just the yellow cake.  To each their own, heck even chocolate cake might be good.  Hmmmmmmmmm, for another day!

Happiness to all.  Hope your week finishes out great.  See you on Saturday!

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