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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Grilled Pineapple

So if you follow us, you know my Asylum likes grilled pineapple.  A reader sent me this recipe from All You. Thank you Reader who doesn't want to be named!  This just went to the top of the OMG gotta eat that list...
Lemon - Sugar grilled Pineapple
1 pineapple (about 4 lb.)
2 tablespoons grated lemon zest
1/2 cup sugar
Preparation Cook Time: 7 Minutes
Prep Time: 5 Minutes
Trim and peel pineapple. Cut lengthwise into quarters and remove the tough core. Cut each quarter in half crosswise, making 8 sections. Combine lemon zest and sugar in a ziplock bag. Rub vigorously to blend flavors. Prepare a charcoal fire, let burn to a gray ash and set grill about 6 inches from heat source. (Alternatively, set a stove-top grill pan over medium-low heat.) Working with one or two sections at a time, place pineapple in bag with sugar mixture and turn carefully to coat. Transfer to grill and cook, flipping often, until caramelized and slightly softened, 5 to 7 minutes. Cool slightly before serving. All You July 2008

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