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Wednesday, June 4, 2014


Hello!  I hope this summer is treating you all well!  We get a day or two of humid warm weather and then we are dealing with thunder storms and down pouring rain.  I have already gotten radishes and a handful of spinach out of my garden.  I am having a wonderful time with my garden and landscaping at our new home.

So enough of my excitement!  Do you remember when I gave you all those homemade seasoning mixes?  Well it is time to use the Fajita one!  This recipe is one of my favorites and the fact that I can use my crockpot makes it even better!


Chicken breast (amount depends on your family, I usually figure one breast per Resident, of course I double this for leftovers)
1/2 cup Fajita Seasoning (this may be a lot for you so use to your taste)
2 Peppers (I use whatever color is in the fridge), sliced
1/2 onion, chopped
2-3 garlic cloves, finely chopped

Add all of your ingredients to the crockpot! Cook 4-6 hours on high and 6-8 on low.  You can serve these in warmed soft taco shells or like I did with rice and black beans (only because as always I didn't have enough shells for everyone)!  Groceries were bought just for the record!

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