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Saturday, June 14, 2014

Books and recipes

I figured I better end the week on a good note, so that Saucy doesn't throw me out when she gets back!  Today is not a recipe, but a way to find a lot of recipes and the books/movies that go with them.  It is also going to be short today, as I have company and am having a rummage sale today!

I have shared with you previously that I own a Harry Potter cookbook, which is surprisingly used a lot at our Asylum.  So it got me thinking and wondering (two things that can be dangerous for me) if there were other books or movies with recipes or cookbooks made from the series.

So I thought I would share some that I found!  Now, I have not read or tried a lot of these, but wanted to give you (and me) something to look out for this summer if you are a HUGE reader like I am!  If you are interested in them, I have given links to the Amazon version or to the website for the author.

So of course I have to share my Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook!  The only recipe I feel it is missing is Butter Beer, but no worries, my mom found it for me! Maybe, if I don't get kicked out I will share it with you on Monday!

If some of you know me personally, you know that I am a lover of Tea.  I use it as an herbal for ailments and just to relax!  So when I was in the Asylum Library researching to write this blog, I was thrilled to find a mystery series based in a Tea Shop!  The series is by author Laura Childs and I will be adding it to my read list immediately!  I also found out she has mystery series with scrapbooking and another set in a CafĂ© (which apparently includes recipes for different egg dishes)!

How about the Hunger Games?  Did you like that?  There is a unofficial cookbook for that series as well!

None of these sound interesting to you?  Well head HERE and get an entire list of  mystery books that have recipes, cooking and mystery! 

What about the Little Residents?  I know the Saucy Irish has Little Residents in her home and mine are not little anymore, but they have meals they know how to make!

Harry Devlin has an entire series of books for kids and each one includes a cranberry theme and recipe!  This would be a great tradition to start with your children!

What about a Disney Cookbook?  Or from The Princess and the Frog's chef Tiana?

Okay I am off to sell my trash to people who think they are treasures!  Wish me luck!  If Saucy hasn't sent me packing by Monday I will get you a Butter Beer recipe that is great for gatherings with a lot of kids!  We like to have it as a treat on 4th of July too!

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