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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The other shoulder

The other day I shared the Devil's Food Cake recipe, so today I thought I would share an Angel Food Cake recipe.  So you have your Devil on one shoulder and your Angel on the other!  There is another reason I wanted to share this recipe as well.  My hubs had his birthday yesterday and every year my mom makes him an Angel Food Cake with strawberries and whip cream.  This year they made it for the weekend and that was the first thing she asked-do you have a mix.  Well of course I do!  But, there was a time where I would make it from scratch.  Now that I am trying to stay away from boxed/processed foods I thought I should dust off my recipe! 

This recipe comes from a very well used cookbook that my Aunt gave me (my Grandma gave to her).  It is the Mennonite Community Cookbook by Mary Emma Showalter.  I highly suggest you get this cookbook!  It was published in the 70s but I have seen it on Amazon (where I am an affiliate)! 

Angel Food Cake

1 cup cake flour (make sure it is cake flour)
1 1/2  cups sugar, finely granulated
1 1/2  cups egg whites (11 to 12 eggs)
2 TBSP water
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp cream of tartar
1 tsp vanilla or 1/2 tsp each of vanilla and almond extract (I do the 1/2 and 1/2, tastes so much better)

Sift flour and measure.
Add 1/2 cup sugar and sift together 3 times.
Beat egg whites with rotary beater until frothy.
add salt and cream of tartar.
Continue to beat until whites hold peaks.
Slowly add remaining sugar to beaten whites, folding it in with a wire whisk.
Add flavoring (extract).
then sift flour and sugar mixture, a tablespoon or two at a time, over beaten whites.
Fold in lightly with a down-up-over motion.
When well blended, pour into a large ungreased tube pan (10 inch diameter).
Cut through batter with a knife.
Bake at 350 for 1 hour.
Remove from oven and invert pan to cool. (My mom uses a bottle in the middle of the pan).

Want to make it a chocolate?  Just remove 3 TBSP flour and add 3 TBSP cocoa!  Don't forget the strawberries and whipped cream! 

So which are you a Devil's Food lover or and Angel Food lover?  Or, are you both, a Chocolate Angel Food lover?  Our Doctor's here at the Asylum would call the Devil/Angel on your shoulder like Freud's Id and Ego...

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