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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Tasty Tuesday!

Heyyyyyyyyyyyyy!  I'm finally home.  Well, I'm finally with my family and in Florida.  It is home but after all my travels the past two weeks and the visits with loving family it makes me very homesick for that area!  But enough of that.  Hubby and I finally got some rest in our own bed and man that makes you feel so much better no matter what the circumstances!!  LOL  I hope everyone is well and of course crazy as ever!  That's where the fun in life is!

So the hubs and I have been dabbling in the Paleo life style and today's recipe is one of those.  It's another breakfast and it is amazing.  We weren't able to stop eating it lol.  The combination of flavors is just top shelf!  Paleo doesn't normally do bread but if you're not concerned a crunchy piece of toast to help move this yummmmm around is perfect!  The recipe comes from a book called "Primal Cravings" authored by Megan McCullough Keatley and Brandon Keatley.  Everything we have had out of this book so far has been absolutely great!

Cowboy Hasbrown Skillet
Serves 6

Butter for the pan
2 green plantains, peeled and grated on a box grater
1 large yellow onion, diced
1 pound fresh Chorizo Sausage
6 Eggs
2 ripe Haas avocados, diced
Hot Sauce
Salt to taste

1.  Preheat oven to 350°F.

2.  In an oven-safe or cast-iron skillet, crumble and brown the Chorizo.  Remove from the pan and reserve.

3.  Heat a few tablespoons of butter in a skillet over medium heat.  Add in the plantains and onion.  Season with salt,.  Stirring occasionally, cook until browned, about 12 minutes.  Add the Chorizo back into the pan and stir to combine. 

4.  Use a spoon to create 6 wells.  Crack an egg into each well.  Place the skillet in the oven and cook until the eggs are set, about 8 minutes.

5.  Carefully remove from the oven, and top with diced avocado, salsa and a few dashes of hot sauce.

** I used plantains as called for but if you can't find them I imagine potatoes could work in their place. Enjoy!  Have a great Tuesday!

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