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Monday, May 19, 2014

National Devil's Food Cake Day

Today is National Devil's Food Cake Day, so why not celebrate with a recipe from Framed Cooks?  She has taken Devil's Food and given it a twist with Butterfinger!  It is made even easier as it starts with a boxed cake mix, nothing wrong with semi-homemade!
Ever wonder how Devil's Food Cake got it's name?  I have been told it is because it is the chocolate version of Angel Food Cake.  Sounds legit to me! The definitions given throughout the internet are-- A very dark chocolate cake.  Again, sounds legit to me! 
Devil’s Food Butterfinger Cake
1 box devil's food cake mix
1 14 ounce can sweetened condensed milk
1 12 ounce jar caramel topping
1 12 ounce container whipped topping (aka Cool Whip. Or make your own by whipping 1 cup heavy cream with 1/4 cup confectioner's sugar and 1 teaspoon vanilla until soft peaks form.)
1-2 Butterfinger bars, crushed.

1. Prepare the cake according to package directions. You can use either a 9x13 pan or a bundt pan. Immediately after removing the cake from the oven, poke several holes in it with a fork or a skewer. Mix the condensed milk with the caramel topping and spread over the entire cake.
2. Cool cake completely, then spread the whipped topping over the top, and sprinkle the crushed Butterfinger over the topping.
3. Stand back!

I highly suggest you go to Yummly and check out all the other recipes for Devil's Food Cake.  I love this website and the app on my phone. 

In preparing for this blog I went to the Asylum Library and found, in a lot of the medical journals, that there are cases of people being addicted to chocolate.  If you are one of those people please skip todays post and maybe try the Angel Food Cake instead!  Also, group therapy is down the hall to the left and will meet weekly unless there is a higher demand, which I am afraid the will be....

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