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Friday, May 23, 2014

Roast, we haven't done a roast yet!!

Why haven't we done a roast yet?  It is the easiest thing ever!  This will go great with The Saucy Irish's Tangy Mustard Coleslaw!  Thank goodness for the crockpot.  There are days I wish I had two of them so I could just get all my cooking done in one day.  Today I thought I would share my roast recipe and now I am drooling for it!  Today is our shopping day at the Commissary so hopefully I can get a good deal on a roast and sushi, starving for sushi.  I usually make this recipe for my Dad, but didn't get the chance to this last time, so maybe for Father's Day.  He says he really likes it, but you know Dads, they like to make us think we are awesome! 

Roast (pork or beef)
a cup of water
Put it all in the crockpot!  If your roast is still frozen-on low for 6-8 hours.  If you have already thawed your roast (why I don't know, you must plan better than I do) then on low for 4-6 hours.

NOTE: I usually double all of my recipes so I have leftovers to use on "fridge night" or for lunches, especially in the summer time.  At my Asylum the kids are old enough to fend for themselves at lunch time.

If you have leftovers, there are so many ways to use them.  Throw them in a beef stew, make sandwiches, stroganoff, or throw some BBQ sauce in and you have loose meat sandwiches! 

My kids won't be out of school until next Thursday but I heard a few you already have them home, so here is a great link to keeping your summer stress down so you don't end up in the real Asylum! 

Have a great Memorial Weekend!

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