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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Happy Tuesday!!

Hello! I am taking over the Asylum today while The Saucy Irish is off on Grandma duties, waiting for a baby!!! We are very excited here!  In honor of her being a Grandma, I thought I would share my Grandma's cookie recipe.  My hubs loved when she made these and if he knew what was in them-he wouldn't! Some people are just so picky. I actually have all the ingredients for this so I will probably make these tomorrow! Today I have to go to the Children's Asylum and listen to them need my white jacket by the time they are done!

Grandma Vivian's Sour Cream Sugar Cookies

4 cups flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder
1 cup Crisco (butter flavored)
1 3/4 cups white sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup sour cream
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla or almond extract (we prefer the almond)

Cream shortening and sugar. Add salt, eggs and extract. Add sour cream with dry ingredients. Chill overnight (I've done it for 2 hours and been fine). Roll out thick. Bake at 375 for 7-10 minutes. They will begin to get just slightly brown and they are done!  

I have one of my PaPa's recipes as well, but that's a family secret! His Date Cookies were amazing (ok, so tweeted his recipe a bit)!

These are great with a powdered sugar icing. Just mix water, powdered sugar and extract together and you have an icing.

Hope you all have an insane day, because who wants to be normal?!?!

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