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Thursday, May 1, 2014

Happy May!

Alright crazies, I have decided to just go all out crazy today!  I have no recipe for you.  That's right, you read it right and that's what I said.  LOL.  Instead I'm going to tell you what I threw together for dinner last night.  I'm going to do this because we have ALL had that moment in the kitchen when even a recipe can't help us.  I don't have that spice.  Or crap I forgot to pick up diced tomatoes.  Or even, you know, I'm not really feeling that right now!  I think all this stemmed from Spicy and I trying to feed her company on what she had at home.  Unfortunately for her, she must hit the grocery store.  I happen to love the grocery store.  I am even blessed enough that my hubby will go with me, if I ask real nice!  He doesn't mind though, as he says "I reap the benefits!"

Ok, all that out of the way.  I had 3, yes 3, packages of thawed ground chicken!  We love ground chicken, with enough flavor it can stand beside beef in our house.  So, ok, I'm thinking chicken burgers.  After adding all my ingredients though it was quite a sticky mess, so I pulled out my trusty scoop and proceeded to make meatballs.  Oh, and where we ended up will tickle your taste buds.

So in the mixing bowl I put the three pounds of ground chicken.  I knew I needed a binder so I added two whole eggs.  Then comes the much needed flavor.  I added roughly 3 tablespoons of minced garlic, 1 teaspoon each of salt and pepper and roughly 1 teaspoon of cumin.  I know sounds weird, what can I say lol.  It just didn't seem like enough so I went back to the fridge and looked and looked and looked LOL.  Then I found my container of shredded parmesan cheese.  I think there was about 3/4 of a cup left and so yes, I dumped it in.  Mixed it all together into what became a terrible sticky mess. LOL.

So I made the meatballs with the scoop which left them flat on one side.  That worked to my benefit. I put them in an oven proof dish and cooked them at 350 for approximately 15 minutes till they were cooked through.  This is going to be different for everyone.  Depending on your oven, the size of your meatballs and even the size of the pan you use.  After they cooked up very nice and to a golden brown I had to figure out what I was going to do with them.

My son walked into the kitchen while I was contemplating and asked what I had.  As soon as I told him he said oh man they look like they would make a great chicken meatball sub...................and so dinner was born!  LOL.  He even requested Stubbs Barbecue sauce as it is minimally processed, with very few ingredients and tastes great!

So, there it was.  I opened a whole bottle of the Stubbs (you of course could use your family's favorite) and put it in a sauce pan and added the meatballs. They simmered for about 10 minutes.  Cut the sub rolls down the center and placed meatballs and sauce across them.  They sat perfectly because of being flat on one side lol.  Then I added a layer of finely shredded mild cheddar cheese!  With the roll tops also on the pan I put it into my already heated 350 oven and let the cheese melt.  At the table a small bowl of diced onions.  And of course a bottle of hot sauce!  The ooooh's and aaaaah's had me almost blushing!  Steamed cauliflower on the side and it was an easy amazing meal!  WITH NO RECIPE!

I know you're thinking, well that's you not me blah blah blah!  I have faith in you crazies! :D.  And even if you can't figure it out, give us your list of possible ingredients and we will see what we can do with it!  Creating this meal was alot of fun and tasted great and I cleaned out the fridge.  This one is right up Spicy's alley I can't wait for her to read it.

Thanx again so much for coming to visit us.  We are grateful for all of you and love hearing from you.  Comments welcome!  Happy Thursday and have an awesome day!

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