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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Help! Cupboards are empty!!!

Reader Question answered at the bottom!!

My house doesn't look like the Little Old Lady who went to her empty cupboard and found her dog a bone! is pretty dang close! I love to use up everything before going to buy groceries. There is a slight problem-company! I have company coming this weekend! I know we will have one meal out for sure, or delivered, but what do I do for the rest?

Has this ever happened to any of you?  Well I messaged The Suacy Irish and she said "we will figure it out"! Then she said "yeesh you may need to buy groceries"! 

So I am going to limp through the week and go buy groceries when it isn't Blizzarding outside!  

Today I thought I would share some cupboard recipes. You know those kitchen sink type recipes?

First what about crescent rolls, hot dogs and cheese? 
Cut the hot dog in half or roll up the whole thing. Bake for 11-15 minutes. You can throw a slice of cheese in or not (if you have it). Kids can dip them in ketchup! 

Mini corn dogs?
Mix up some cornbread (box or scratch) pour it into paper lined muffin tins. Cut up hot dogs and put pieces in the middle of the muffin tins. Bake according to cornbread recipe and add another 5 min. Great side to chili too!

Which leads me to the next one-chili! 
My hubs won't eat beans. But chili is an easy one to throw the ingredients in the crock pot! Everyone has their favorite recipe and mine I horrible, so I won't torture you with it! I have to use the deer meat in something!

Veggie Spaghetti!
If you have bags of steamed veggie with a sauce on it, mix it into spaghetti.

Got some burger thawed?
Meatballs for spaghetti
Meatball subs
Saucy Irish told me to brown up the burger with onion and Worcestershire sauce and throw in with cooked Mac n cheese!

Mac n Cheese doesn't need to come from a box! Got a chunk of cheese and some noodles? You got Mac n cheese, chemical free!  

Now last nights supper!  My hubs favorite!
Salmon patties with egg noodles. I always have 2-4 cans of salmon in my cupboard.  Hubs likes noodles tossed with butter, salt and pepper.  I like a little lemon on mine! Just pick out the bones, add an egg or two, some saltines crushed up or bread crumbs. Make patties and throw in a pan or the oven.

Let us know what you do when the budget is tight or your lazy like me and hate grocery shopping, or both!

Reader Question! We had a reader (I suspect it was my mother) leave a question for us on yesterday's blog. His/Her question was about a jar of minced garlic she found in her fridge and if it was safe. 

You might be surprised to fin that in the US only baby food and formula are required to have an expiration/sell by date. Those dates are for the grocers to know when to switch out products. 

That being said I did some searching and minced garlic can be left in the fridge for up to a year (if this is my mom, it's been a year toss it!), the sniff test also works. Our Reader said it still smelled like garlic. Try stirring or shaking the contents and smell again. Still smell good?  Then should be ok!

Check out for more information!

Have a great day crazies! I have to go figure out tonight's supper!


  1. Hey Spicy, hope things are warming up for you! :D. That was my sunshine smile to help you out! I so totally agree with your answer to the garlic question. I read................everything was about the same. But I do what you do lol! Smell it. Garlic, when gone rancid (not any good) is not a pleasant smell. You will know. But as long as it is producing that beautiful aroma that is garlic you are just fine to use!

  2. Thanks for the help and its not your mother!
