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Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Foggy brain, foggy skies...

So I am running on 2 1/2 hours of sleep, so this will be short and sweet!  I look out my window and all I see is FOG.  It reminds me of my trip to WA state, a place I loved and plan to return to.  I had the dish below there, but it wasn't nearly as good as my mom's version!  This recipe comes from the Mennonite Cookbook, which is always out on my counter, because I honestly don't know what my mom does.  This is one of those dishes I always looked forward to when I was living at home, but don't make nearly as often as I should.

Stuffed Peppers
1 lb lean ground burger
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
1/2 grated onion
1/2 cup sour cream
1 cup cooked rice (1/3 cup raw)
5 large peppers, cut in half
 (I use a variety of colors and if they are small I just remove tops, I don't cut.)
1/2 onion, chopped
1/2 pepper, chopped
5 TBSP flour
4 cups chicken or vegetable broth
1/2 small can tomato paste
salt and pepper to taste
1. Cook rice (or a great way to use up leftovers)
2. Prepare your peppers and place in a greased roaster or cake pan
3. In a large bowl, mix ground beef, seasonings, onion, sour cream and cooked rice.  This works best by hand!
4. Fill peppers.
5. Prepare sauce-in a large pan cook chopped onion and pepper until soft.  Add half of the broth.  Mix flour and the rest of the broth in a sealed jar and add to sauce.  Stir in tomato paste, salt and pepper to taste.  Stir until it comes to a boil and thickens.
6.  Pour over filled peppers and bake at 350F for 75-90 minutes
NOTE:  You can also place the peppers in a crockpot and cook 5-6 hours on low.  I don't think my mom uses sour cream either and I have made it without, I just add a little milk or you can add plain yogurt!

I hope The Saucy Irish is enjoying her week pass and all the family/friend time she is getting in!  Take care everyone and don't forget to share the Facebook page so we can grow our audience.  We appreciate you supporting us on our adventure!  Why don't you leave that white jacket and I will get it washed for you, it is looking a little dirty...don't worry I have another for you to wear!

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