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Thursday, May 8, 2014

Doing whites...............

Apparently Spicy felt that all of your cook coats (aka straight jackets) were looking a little dingy LOL.  I guess she doesn't get enough laundry at home.  Boy I sure do, it's another one of those chores that I would pawn off on anyone I could.  Honestly, I can say hubs helps me with my least favorite part..........LOL......He matches up all the socks and I do the rest.!  And while I am enjoying time with family, it's not all fun and games like the Spicy German makes it sound.  But tough though it may be, any family time is good family time! :D.

Today I'm going simple again.  This recipe comes from our friends at  It's for Carmelized Garlic Chicken which can work in so many ways in so many places.  I have made this before and shredded it for salad, kept it whole along with mashed potatoes and baked asparagus, diced it up for stir fry and cubed/shredded it for chicken salad!  Now that's a lot of stuff from a little ole chicken breast!  LOL! Bwhahahahahaha.  Don't ask!

So whatever you decide to use this chicken for I am sure it will work out great.  Happy Thursday everybody!  Hope your fresh straight jackets fit well!  The ride just keeps gettin' better! :D!!

Carmelized Garlic Chicken

4 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
2 teaspoons olive oil
4 teaspoons packed brown sugar
4 boneless skinless chicken breasts

1.  Heat oven to 425 °.  Line shallow baking pan with foil; spray foil with cooking spray.

2.  In 8" nonstick skillet cook garlic in oil over med-low heat 3-4 minutes, stirring occasionally until garlic begins to soften. Be sure to keep an eye on it because burned garlic is yuck garlic.  Remove from heat.  Stir in brown sugar until well mixed. 

3.  Place chicken in pan.  Spread garlic mixture evenly over chicken.

4.  Bake 20-25 minutes



  1. im trying tonight will ltry and remember to take a pic to show

  2. I have made it twice now myself and it is very yummy!
