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Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Yep, it's BRUPPER time! For those of you who don't know what that is-it is breakfast for supper. Because here in SD there are some of us that call the evening meal supper, not dinner. But, that's a debate that goes with Taverns or Sloppy Joes and JoJos or Potato Wedges. Oh, do I have a story about that last one!  Moving on! You can debate those topics on our Facebook page!   Most of those debates are right here in our state as we are divided by a river. We live West River, but grew up East River!

So obviously I am not talking about the normal lazy BRUPPER of cereal for supper or grabbing a breakfast bar. Those are no-nos! What I am talking about are pancakes the size of your plate, eggs and of course our Asylum is in love with bacon! 

My dad knows this and got into a bit of trouble with our youngest Resident! He usually brings bacon and jerky from our small town meat locker-he FORGOT! So we got some store bought thick bacon to hold us over until his next visit!

So my recipe today is a way to make those store bought pancake mixes a little bit better! 

For one batch

Your favorite mix
1 cap full Lemon juice
1 TBSP Sugar
1 cap full Vanilla Extract

By capful I mean the lid on the container, fill it and pour it in! Easy!

Now watch after you flip your pancake! Your pancake is going to grow and be fluffy!

Serve with eggs, bacon, or fruit!  I prefer my bacon extra crispy and no eggs for me-ewwwyuckdontmakeme!

I make my pancakes the size of a plate and I double my recipe. My kids love having pancakes in the freezer. They pull them out, heat them up and they have a big breakfast in a hurry before school or in the summer time so I can sleep in! There are perks to your kids getting older! 

Hope you are having a great week and if not-it's almost over! My kids have a half day tomorrow and our summer can officially start! 

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