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Thursday, April 17, 2014

Hello fellow kitchen crazies!

So you met my bestie (Spicy German) yesterday, I love her dearly.  She is always there when I need her and "we" are hoping to always be here for you in the kitchen when you need us!

As the Spicy German said I am also a military wife, beyond that a mother, sister, daughter and foodie. I find though, my favorite job these days, and partial cause for my craziness, is Grandma!  Grandma sparkles they call me :D!

Personally, the kitchen is my favorite part of the house. I create, I make a mess, the family comes in to hang out and enjoy the smells..................ugh but then it hits, my least favorite thing ever............washing dishes!

I'm not blessed with hand me down recipes and I don't have a line of cooks in my family. What I do have is a mother that has become a wonderful cook, teaching herself when she married my Dad!  Then she taught me, something I will forever be grateful for. So I have a few recipes of hers but not many.  My recipe collection combines those and our family favorites that I have made over the years.  My first recipe here is a favorite of my mom's.  I made it for her a few years ago and she asks for it all the time.  I chose this one in honor of her, she taught me everything I know.  She has been diagnosed with Dementia so our time in the kitchen isn't quite the same but the memories will always remain in my heart.!

Here's toasting new friends, new food and a lot of fun and love along the way! And please if you can't find something that tickles your fancy at the moment, let us know.  If you need to throw a meal together we will do our best to find you the information you need!

Baked French Toast Casserole with Maple Syrup

Recipe courtesy of Paula Deen

Total Time:  9 hr
Prep:  20 min
Inactive:  8 hr
Cook:  40 min
Yield:  6 to 8 servings


1 loaf French bread (13 to 16 ounces)
8 large eggs
2 cups half-and-half
1 cup milk
2 tablespoons granulated sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
Dash salt
Praline Topping, recipe follows
Maple syrup

Praline Topping:

1/2 pound (2 sticks) butter
1 cup packed light brown sugar
1 cup chopped pecans
2 tablespoons light corn syrup
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg

Slice french bread into 20 1" slices.  Arrange slices in generously buttered 9x13 flat baking dish in 2 rows stoacking them.  In a large bowl mix ingredients and whisk.  Make sure to pour some batter between slices.  Cover with foil and refrigerate overnite!  The next morning preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Now, make your praline topping by combining all ingredients in a medium bowl and blending well.

Spread praline topping evenly over bread and bake for 40 minutes until puffed and lightly golden serve with maple syrup.

MY NOTE:  As I said this is a Paula Deen recipe and it is of course pre-diabetes.  Even before her problems when I make this casserole I DO NOT use maple syrup in the end.  It just seems like over kill to me.  The casserole is creamy and sweet and decadent all by itself!  But as always the choice is yours.  Hope you love it!  Let us know what you think and have an awesome day! ;-)

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