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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Hello Crazies, Welcome to our Asylum!

Welcome to Our Asylum's Kitchen!  We are creating our own Cookbook Blog of our favorites.  You will see recipes from myself, the Spicy German and my Bestie, the Saucy Irish!  All the recipes we will share have been tried and tested on our families, otherwise known as the Asylum Residents.  We live in two different states and our husbands are cousins, we joke that they were meant to marry us just so we could be friends!  We are both military wives and moms as well, we fight with and love each other like sisters.  The Saucy Irish is an amazing cook and I am a baker, so you will get both worlds from us!

I will let the Saucy Irish share about herself tomorrow, today I have taken over the Asylum!  I am a stay at home mom of two boys and a military wife.  I have a love of all the old German recipes that come from my Mennonite roots.  Saucy Irish can't claim all of the Irish as I have a lot of that too, but my baking leans more toward the German side.  She is also the voice in my head-you know those voices you don't want to admit to hearing?  Well, here you can because we are an Asylum after all!  She is the voice I hear encouraging me to eat healthy, and to JUST TRY IT!  She is also the voice I hear telling me to be very careful when using a knife, as you know not all Asylum Residents should be allowed sharp objects-I am one of those. 

Through this blog and our Facebook page I hope to share her encouragement and mine with you, maybe we can keep each other out of the real Asylum!  I invite you to sit down at Our Asylum's Kitchen table for a little conversation, some great food and friendship!

Here is your first recipe!  A great one to share with the residents on Easter!

Hawaiian Sweet Rolls
Similar to King's Hawaiian Rolls
3/4-1 cup pineapple juice
1 egg
2 TBSP vegetable oil or coconut oil
2 1/2 TBSP honey
3/4 tsp salt
3 cups flour
2 TBSP dry milk powder
2 tsp yeast-fast rising
Preheat oven to 375 while you are mixing-you will need a warm place to let the rolls rise.  I cheat and use my bread maker to do all the mixing for me. 
Start out with 3/4 cup pineapple juice and add the rest if it looks dry.  Your dough should look slimey, sorry best word I could give it! 
When it has finished mixing I will use Crisco to keep the dough from sticking to my hands.  I make each roll and put into a round pan.  I love using the round pans because you can make the rolls look like a flower. This will make one or two pans, depending on the size you make the rolls and the size of your pan. 
 Set the pans in a warm place-your preheated stove is a great place! Cover them with a light towel and walk away, no poking people!  When they have doubled in size (about 45 min), put them in the oven for 10-15 minutes, until the tops are golden brown.
Disclaimer-This is a combination of several recipes that I have tried and didn't like!  I adapted for the bread maker because I am lazy.
Adaption-Some people will add coconut flakes to the dough as well-here at my Asylum there are only a couple of us crazies that will eat coconut. 
Have a great day!  Oh, did I mention once you come to the Asylum we don't let you leave?  We have  a nice jacket for you to try on...

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