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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Happy Tuesday! :)

So, another Tuesday, another beautiful day!  Troubles at the Asylum but feeling pretty grounded, working hard on keeping me in a good place! Hope your week is going great!

Today's recipe is a quick one.  I'm hoping for it to be a hit with mom at dinner tonight!  As always, I will let you know how it goes.  Mom is a shrimp fan from way back lol.  Sweet Garlic Shrimp is what's on the table tonight.  Not sure if I am using it for a side, an appetizer or the main course.  I guess I figure that out when the time comes.  I keep hoping you crazies will try the recipe with me!

Kudos to my "The Paleo Primer" by Keris Marsden and Matt Whitmore for sharing this recipe!  As always, I'm hoping for the best!

Sweet Garlic Shrimp

Coconut oil for the pan
2 garlic cloves, finely chipped
6 ounces raw shrimp, thawed (ideally wild caught)
2-3 Tablespoons Tomato Sauce
1 Tablespoon creamed coconut or grated from a block

1.  Melt the coconut oil over low heat.

2.  Add chopped garlic and saute for 2 minutes.  Once the garlic starts to brown, add the raw shrimp.  As soon as they start to change color, add the tomato sauce.

3.  Grate the coconut (or add creamed) to the shrimp and continue stirring until a creamy sauce starts to form.

4.  Taste, and once you're happy with the sauce's consistency, serve the dish with steamed broccoli or a large mixed salad.

Sounds great, might even use their sides lol.  I guess that means I figured out how I was using it! :D

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