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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Happy Tuesday!

I hope everyone's week is going well.  This time of the year always seems to start the crazy times!  People are talking about holidays, I have 6 birthdays to celebrate this month!  Wow!  Ok, I'm sharing some more of my craziness, or so the Asylum affiliates would say and offering up a light dessert from Clean Eating! I enjoy the Clean Eating magazines and cookbooks but sometimes some of the ingredients are hard to come by.  This particular one calls for Cardamom, not something normally found in this girls cabinet.  So when making these I just didn't use it.  Pretty simple LOL.  You can't or won't always just run out for one spice, especially one you probably won't be using again any time soon lol!  Ok that being said.  There is something else you should have to like dates!  I know, I know but please give them a chance.  It's worth it I promise!  And who knows if you use the Cardamom it might be even more amazing! ;-).  Good luck, have a great week!

Stuffed Dates
with Ricotta, Pistachios and Honey

Serves 4.  Hands-on time 10 minutes.
Total time 10 minutes.

1/4 Cup part-skim ricotta cheese
1 teaspoon raw honey
1/4 teaspoon ground cardamom, plus additional for garnish
2 Tablespoons ground raw unsalted pistachios. (Tip:  Whirl whole nuts in clean coffee grinder)
12 medium deglet nour dates (I used the dates I was able to find the medjool I believe)
12 raw unsalted shelled pistachios or blanched almonds for garnish, optional

1.  In a small bowl, stir ricotta and honey until well combined.  Stir in cardamom and ground pistachios.

2.  Wish a sharp knife, cut a length wise slit on 1 side of each date.  Remove pits.  Using a small spoon, stuff each date with 1 teaspoon ricotta mixture.  Press 1 pistachio on top of each date.  Arrange on a serving platter and, if desired, garnish with additional cardamom.  Serve at room temperature. 

Option:  For a firmer, more flavorful filling, chill stuffed dates for 1 hour before serving.

Then stuff your face!  (Oh yeah that was all me ;-)!)

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