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Monday, August 25, 2014

They are gone!!!

The kids are on the bus and on their way to the first day of school!!! Woo-hoo it's quiet! Wait, it's quiet...I already miss them and it's only been 30 minutes! Sorry I'm a stay-at-home mom - when there are no kids it seems strange!
Okay my Asylum therapist and I will work through those issues in group - moving on! (Seriously I am hoping if I just keep typing a recipe idea will come to me. No luck yet...)
Okay so last year we were praying no one got dehydrated from the heat this year we are hoping they don't get dehydrated from an ecoli scare.  One kid is going to a school that has no water because of this! 
So I was thinking about how they have to boil water and it made me think of hot cocoa. Seriously just go with it!  Stop judging me,  we don't allow that here! 
Mexican Hot Chocolate
4 c milk (whole is best)
1 1/3 c chocolate chips
2 TBSP sugar
2 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp chili powder
1/4 tsp ground cumin
Pinch of salt
1 c water
Put ingredients in a pot on the stove over medium heat until it comes to a simmer. Remove from heat and put in your favorite penguin mug (or maybe that's just me). Garnish with a sprinkle of chili powder on top or cool whip!
No idea where I got this recipe. It doesn't even have directions on my recipe card,  just the ingredients! Hope you are having a great Monday!

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