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Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Happy Thursday You Crazy People! :D

So, I can't believe it is already the end of August.  I mean seriously what happened to summer?  Did I sleep through it?  No, that can't be it, I don't get to sleep enough lol.!  Whether we are ready or not fall is quickly approaching.  There are many wonderful things about fall but one of the best is the vegetables that come with it!  Acorn squash is one of our very favorites! Summer and fall is the season of the Acorn squash but since I normally bake it in the oven, later in the summer for cooking is better LOL.  I'm not really sharing a recipe today but a guide, lol.

There is nothing to Acorn squash.  They are great when they are perfectly green (as I found out last night) or when they have a lot of yellow in the green.  Slice them in half, scoop out the seeds and then decide how you want to season them.  The basic way to go is a 425° for baking and a pat of butter inside.  You can slice a small amount off the bottom to make it more stable or just let it sit as is.  I only put in the butter while cooking then salt and peppered after they were done.  Done being when a fork slides in and out of the squash with ease.  This is a wonderful way to enjoy the true flavor of the squash.

Those that like to eat something good for them but aren't real fans of the true flavor can also bake the squash the same way but instead of butter (or with it also lol) they will use maple syrup (the good stuff) and pecans.  Amazing!  Beyond that make it a meal on it's own by filling it with a mixture of rice, vegetables and meat.  Any combination really and the squash works as a wonderful bowl.  But don't eat the skin, it's not so tasty lol.

I know some people are scared of squash and with good reason.  A lot of times they take a really long time to cook.  I have kept checking them, gotten frustrated when they weren't done yet, then left them alone too long and they burn.  Please, don't let these great vegetables scare you away.  They are well worth the time and effort.  If you come up with some other great ideas for fillers please feel free to share with us.  I would love to try them out.

Thanx again for stopping by we are very grateful!  Oh I hate to mention it but I thought I saw a spot on your straight jacket when you arrived today and you know we can't be having any of that at the Asylum!  Get 'em cleaned up!  See you wonderful folks again on Saturday! :D

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