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Friday, August 8, 2014

Finally Saturday!

Hello my crazy friends!  So sorry I was AWOL on Thursday, sometimes I just can't get the straight jacket loose enough to do much of anything lol!  Any who, breaking protocol.  The recipe of corn salad had another recipe on the backside.  I will be going to the Farmers Market tomorrow to get the ingredients I need!  So I don't know when I would get around to blogging about it so I figured I would give you guys the opportunity to do it as well.  Then maybe we can swap notes!  So again, the recipe is from the AmericaProfile section in the Roanoke News Paper.  I hope it's good for all of us!  I'll let you know how it goes, would love it if you do the same!  Enjoy your weekend!

Fresh Squash Casserole

3 Tablespoons butter
1 Tablespoon olive oil
1 medium onion, chopped
1 garlic clove, chopped
2 lbs zucchini, sliced
2 lbs yellow squash, sliced
3 eggs
1/2 Cup half-and-half
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1 Tablespoon fresh thyme leaves
1/4 Cup panko (Japanese breadcrumbs)
1/4 Cup grated Parmigiano Reggiano cheese

Preheat oven to 350°.

Heat butter and oil in a large skillet.  Add onion and garlic and cook 2 minutes.  Add zucchini and yellow squash.  Cover and cook over medium heat 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.  With a slotted spoon, transfer mixture to a buttered 2 quart casserole.

Combine eggs, half-and-half, salt, pepper and thyme.  Pour over squash and mix well.  Bake 35 minutes.  Remove from oven and top with panko and cheese.  place under broiler and broil until brown, about 3 minutes.

** You know we enjoy squash with some substance left to it.  I am tempted to saute the onions and garlic but not the squash.  Cooking it for 15 minutes in the oven with certainly soften it and I'm concerned that cooking it twice would make it smush!  We'll see.

1 comment:

  1. I did this tonight (just like I said) with fresh squash from the farmer's market! I did not precook the squash. I put it in the pan after cooking the onion and garlic. Stirred it around and only cooked it for a few minutes. Then did the whole baking process, turned out perfect! My dad wasn't fond of the thyme flavor as it is very noticeable because there is no other spice! I loved it. Hope things worked well for you guys!
