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Thursday, June 26, 2014

Is it Friday yet? No?!?!?

Can we pretend it is Friday?  Excited that my in laws are coming to do some vacationing with the guys and I!  But, I hate having to come up with meals when I know we will be out and about all day long. I get stabby crabby when I'm tired and still have to make a large meal.  So hopefully my crockpot will rescue me one night, and probably Marco's Pizza another night!

So what will I out in the crockpot? How about BBQ chicken or pork? Have I already given you this really easy recipe? 

BBQ crockpot
Meat of your choice
1 jar apricot or peach jam (Cheaper the better)
1 jar BBQ sauce of your choice (we like Garland Jack's)
Onion (dried or fresh)

That's it! Put it all in the crockpot for the standard 4-6 on high 6-8 on low. Seriously can't get any easier. Well it could but this takes just as much time as it would to make a phone call and hope your food gets there before you gnaw off your arm or pass out from exhaustion! Ok that may be a bit much, but here at the Asylum we see a lot of cases of "too tired to cook" and "why can't they cook" and "how do I teach my kids to cook, so I don't have to"! Come on you know who you are! LOL!

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