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Friday, April 25, 2014

Reader Question Answered

Happy Birthday to The Saucy Irish!!!!

We had a great question over at the Facebook page Wednesday and I was not able to answer as well as I had wanted to.  We told you if we didn't know we would look for you!

Reader Question--
Love the blog! I too love trying new things, unfortunately I have a husband who is very picky, so new dishes don't come around too often. With that being said, I still love finding, collecting and gathering new recipes. My question is how do you sort, collect and store your recipes? Mine have taken over a file box, a shelf in my cupboard, not to mention most of my Pinterest boards and a small stockpile of magazines. And then what system do you use for trying new things? 
The Saucy Irish answered with--
thank you so much for posting! Picky eaters can be hard that's for sure! I have grandkids so I understand haha! I personally use a three ring binder, yep, call me old school! I have the plastic inserts that will hold two recipes and then just categorize them by meals. Of course now I am having lots and lots of binders LOL! But remember you are asking an asylum member! Hope that helps! I'm sure Spicy German will give you a heads up as to what she does. Thanxs again for visiting us, the pleasure is all ours.

The Spicy German answered with--
You are about to get me in trouble with the Saucy Irish! LOL! I am attaching a picture of my recipe book. This book is specifically for recipes I have tried and they approved of, or was ok but could be made better. I actually put all of the recipes from the blog into a word document so that I have them right on my computer as well. Sorry I wasn't more help! I would go for the old school binders as well and have one for main dishes, one for desserts, etc! Good luck!

My crazy system and a lot of jelly beans, which are all gone now (I took this yesterday;).
Neither one of us really answered the second part to that question either!  I try new recipes ALL the time.  My husband hates it, he is VERY picky.  No vegetables better show up (he doesn't know how sneaky I can be).  So, I try the dishes with the vegetables on the side and the Bits and I will mix them in if we want.  I read an article some time ago where a Mom asked the kids what food they hated.  When they answered she reminded them that they liked them in other ways.  For example, mushrooms.  The son said he hated them and realized he liked them on pizza or in sauces.  
I found that if my kids help make the food, they and my hubs (guilt trip) are more willing to try it.  Let them help you pick out one new recipe a week that they would like to try-hubs too!  Even if it is getting utensils, setting the table, helping with dishes.  They will also see how much work goes into the meal and what Mom does!  My kids and my hubs love spaghetti-I hate it.  So I tried finding a way that I would eat it.  I cooked the spaghetti and added a bag of steamed vegetables (that came with a sauce).  The kids and I love it, hubs hates it.  So you wont please everyone, that is the best answer I can give!  Now on to the fun part!

Just click on the pictures and they will take you to the website.
This link is one that I think I will be using.  The only thing I would change is having a folder for recipes to try in each category and then another for the ones tried and approved.  Very inexpensive and quick!
Do you want something beautiful to match your kitchen?  Here is an amazing DIY!  This is a little more expensive, but there are a lot of embellishments that could be omitted.  Project Life
If you are a recipe magazine collector here is a great idea for you!  Post it notes and an index telling you which magazine and what page.
Not a DIYer?  Etsy is full of great kits that you download right to your computer and print.  Below is just one of many (I loved the colors of this one, it would easily match my kitchen)!
There are a million more over at Pinterest, these were just a few that caught my eye!  I hope this helps our Reader (and myself) get a little more organized!  I think I may do a combination of the above.  Maybe the recipes to try in the tab folders and the family cookbook in the photo album.  I like the idea of being able to customize it to match my kitchen as my cookbooks are always out on the counter.  Let us know what you think and send us pictures of what you try!
Don't forget to Like the Facebook page so you can keep track of when the blog is posted, giveaways, and some crazy added in!  If you have any questions just send us a private message over at Facebook or in the comments below.
By the way your white jacket is starting to look a little snug, we do encourage daily exercise here at the Asylum so you can keep eating our recipes!




  1. Saucy Irish, thank you. I have the three ring notebooks and printed recipes, need the sleeves and I am organized. Well, that is a bit of a stretch maybe half way organized.
    Spicy German, thanks for bringing spring into the recipe organized world.
    I will try to make my binder or the pages as tempting looking as the recipes the two of you crazies share with us.

  2. I have to say I was a little curious about your page/blog but I am beginning to really like it. I use binders for keeping everything else from bills to school and doctor records as I have two boys who have special needs and I have to keep up with all their paperwork and a husband who has gout and kidney disease and high blood pressure. I used to keep all of my Rachel Ray books and CD's on a shelf right off of my kitchen but since I have moved and don't have the shelf or the room for it anymore, they are all packed up, as all of my cookbooks and magazines. I am bad about finding a recipe in a magazine that I would just rip the page with the recipe out so I wouldn't have to keep the whole magazine. I then would just put them in a folder but then it got confusing and I wouldn't mess with it. I like the idea with a binder and the inserts and divider tabs as you can get them all for very little money. I think I am going to try this as right now I have a magnet clip on the side of my refrigerator that holds my recipes either written or printed. Thank you and I will continue to look and follow your site. I am going to go now and like your facebook page and take a look at that.

  3. Thank you for following us! Glad to hear we are helping someone fight the recipe madness!

  4. Wow, pretty lady, you have your hands full! Thanx for taking the time to talk with us. Haha, I'm probably worse with the recipe in magazines thing because I don't tear them out and keep the whole magazine, needed or not! LOL. I use the magnet like you were saying for my daily meals (when there is a physical recipe) hanging right there on the fridge! I love my binders. I started out with one having all the sections. I now find myself moving on to a binder per section LOL! Thank you again so much for stopping by. We are humbled to be able to help, even for a little thing like organizing recipes. Man I love being crazy at the asylum LOL!
