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Friday, October 3, 2014

Lemon Cake Hack

So the other day I shared a very bad for you recipe, so today is the health(ier) stuff. I have been slowly changing how we eat and think about food. My Asylum pets are unsure what to do with me!  The dog usually follows me wherever I go and the cats locate a comfy spot in the room I am in.  But, now that I am trying to get 10,000 steps in a day (I was only getting 5,000 before) I walk all over the house and am trying to keep myself very busy!  They don't know if they should follow or not and eventually give up on me with a huff.

The other day it was raining and I was 2,000 steps short so I walked a path in my house while I read.  That bothered the Asylum residents!  Apparently, I was too crazy even for them!  So I made this dessert to make it up to them.  Shh, they don't know it was healthy!

Lemon Cake Hack
Hungry Girl

Moist Lemon Cake mix
1 can Dt. Mt. Dew

Mix and put in your cupcake pans or a cake pan.

I made 24 cupcakes and baked at 350° for 17-20 minutes (your oven may vary). Use the toothpick test to make sure they are done. 160 calories for 1/12 of a cake and 80 calories per cupcake. That's a lot better than 250 and 125 calories!

Note:  Next time I will only do 18 cupcakes as they fell a little flat.


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