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Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Frozen Banana Bites

So my Asylum is trying to change the way we eat and exercise. Whether they like it or not! So I have been searching for easy snacks, especially for me throughout the day.  I tend to snack more than actually eat a meal.  So I searched for a way to use up some of my bananas.
I found these very yummy and they are slightly specific because I record my calorie intake, so I had to break them down. When it was all broke down they were roughly 46 calories per sandwich. Which seems like a lot, but two were enough.

Frozen Banana Bites
Peanut Butter
Chocolate Chips (semi or milk)
I sliced the bananas. I got roughly 16-18 slices.
I spread 1/2 tsp peanut butter on a slice of banana and topped it with another.  I placed them on a cookie sheet covered in waxed paper. I placed them in the freezer for a half hour to harden.

I then melted 1 cup of chocolate chips and 1/2 tsp of coconut oil in the microwave.

I put 1 Tsp of melted chocolate on the top of the bananas. Next time I will use less as it upped the calorie count!

I will also coat the whole piece instead of the top. 

Put back in the freezer for another half hour and then toss them all in a bag and store in the freezer.


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