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Monday, October 6, 2014

Creamy Chicken and Noodles

This is similar to Saucy's Magic Ranch Chicken recipe. I remembered this after seeing her recipe, so between the two of us you should have a dish for your Asylum!

Creamy Chicken and Noodles

8 chicken breasts
1 small onion, chopped (optional)
1 cup cream of soup mix
2 1/2 cups water or milk

I placed my chicken breast in the crockpot with the onion until cooked (2-3 hours on high). I drained the liquid and used it in place of the water. I added extra water to get my 2 1/2 cups. Put everything in the crockpot and cook for another 4-6 hours.

You can also add 1 cup of water and your cream of soup mix to the chicken right away and cook on low 6-8 hours.

Serve over noodles. I would tell you a specific noodle but, I only use whatever was on sale and is in my cupboard!

TIP: Wear sunglasses or light a candle while cutting onions to save yourself some tears!

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