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Monday, June 9, 2014

Monday? Again?

We had a very long weekend. It included four men trying to break into our home and 3 new patio doors to make us even safer from it happening again! Needless to say not much sleep has happened for the hubs and I!

Comfort meals are good at a time like this, so I am going to share some of my mom's recipes.

Mac n cheese casseroles!

The first recipe is for bacon lovers!

CTB (Cheese, tomato, bacon)
2 boxes Mac n Cheese
Or make yours from scratch!
Bacon or bacon pieces you find at the grocery store (NOT the bits, real bacon)
Canned diced tomatoes or freshly diced tomatoes

Make your Mac n Cheese according to the package. Add the crumbled bacon and tomatoes. Place in oven at 350 just long enough to warm through. You could also do this on your stovetop! Enjoy!

Tuna Mac n Cheese
2 boxes Mac n Cheese
1 can peas, drained
1-2 cans tuna, drained (depends on how much you want!

Make your Mac n Cheese according to the directions and add the peas and tuna. Enjoy it! If it seems too dry add a little extra milk!

Mac n Dogs
Don't forget the old stand by of hot dogs cut up in your Mac n Cheese! Who says it's just for kids and college students?

These are great summer meals for kids being home too! 

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