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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Hubby Throws in his two cents!

Hello fellow crazies! I hope everyone made it through Monday unscathed.  Well, as much as possible for a Monday. Ha! I'm blessed and Mondays don't really mean much to me.  Right now I don't even have to send my hubby off to work as he is working from the house. But out there, where you crazy people live, that's where real Mondays are! So again, I'm glad you all made it through so you were able to come visit us here at the asylum.

Hubby offered up his two cents and said that Filet with Roasted Red Pepper Sauce should be my next recipe.  That should let you know what he thinks of it. We all enjoy it a lot.  It's made with a bacon wrapped filet mignon, but personally we are happier when I use the frozen bacon wrapped turkey filet mignons. Either meat works great!  And easy?  Doesn't get much easier lol.  I haven't made this recently because I haven't been able to buy the frozen ones and not wanting to pay for the fresh ones :D.  So I say, you use whatever your budget or your taste buds think is best!

This recipe for "Filet with Roasted Red Pepper Sauce" originates from the queen of easy Sandra Lee (Semi-Homemade). I love so many of her ideas.  Not all of them, but who can keep all the masses happy at the same time?  Not many, it's true.  This recipe also comes with an indoor method (instead of grill) that is the one I use.  The bacon gets cooked the way we like it better in the oven than on the grill.  :).  Alright, I guess that's enough running of the mouth.  I hope you guys enjoy.  Thanx for the visit, let us know if we can help with anything!  And Happy Tuesday!

Filet with Roasted Red Pepper Sauce

Servings:  4
Prep time:  15 minutes
Grilling time:  12 minutes
Standing time:  5 minutes

"Filet mignon is the most tender steak you can buy, so let the steak's buttery sublimity be the centerpiece of the meal.  Served sizzling in a lively roasted red pepper sauce, topped with refreshing avocado butter, it's dressed to picturesque perfection!"

You will need:
Medium bowl
Small sauce pan
Butcher's twine

For Avocado butter:
1/2 stick butter, softened
1/2 avocado, diced
1/4 teaspoon hot pepper sauce
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper

For Roasted Red Pepper Sauce:
1/2 cup roasted red bell peppers
1/2 cup Catalina dressing

For Filet:
4 bacon-wrapped beef tenderloin steaks (or frozen turkey ones!)
1 small packet of Montreal Steak Seasoning

1.  Set up grill for direct cooking over high heat.  Oil grate when ready to start cooking.

2.  For Avocado Butter, in a medium bowl, mash the butter and diced avocado with a fork until combined.  Stir in hot pepper sauce, salt and black pepper.  Cover and refrigerate until needed.

3.  For Roasted Red Pepper Sauce, in a blender, combine roasted red peppers and Catalina dressing.  Blend until smooth.  Transfer to small saucepan and heat through over low heat.

4.  Tie steaks with butchers twine to maintain shape (frozen turkey ones come already tied).  Season with steak seasoning.  Place on hot oiled grill; cook for 6-8 minutes per side for medium (160 degrees).  Remove from grill; let stand 5 minutes.

5.  Carefully remove strings.  Top each steak with a spoonful of Avocado Butter.  Serve steaks hot in small pools of Roasted Red Pepper Sauce.!  

Indoor Method:
Prepare steaks as directed.  Place steaks on a foil-lined sheet pan or broiler pan.  Preheat broiler.  Place 6-8 inches from heat source.  Cook for 8-10 minutes per side for medium (160 degrees).  Serve as directed!

Hope you guys enjoy............................I gotta find a way out of this place into the sunshine!  Talk to you soon.

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